Medibino NEO


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Safe, developmentally supportive and durable head positioning system and stabilisation aid for prematures and newborns

Give every baby the benefit of gentle but stable positioning

Soft, comfortable support for the baby‘s head and reliable positioning aid for mid-head position

  • The ergonomic positioning ring is adapted to the form of the premature infants’ head and supports its positioning
  • Assists in stabilizing the head
  • Helps to reduce pressure at the occipital region
  • Provides a recess into which the soft skull can grow without counteracting pressure during long lying periods
  • Easy cleaning of the gel ring – use for up to one year under normal conditions
  • Different disposable and reusable covers enable flexible use according to the needs of the premature baby unit
  • Biocompatible tested foil and covers for the fragile skin

The Technical University of Munich has demonstrated a significant pressure relief through the use of the positioning rings from KlubaMedical.

Our head positioning ring MedibinoNEO aims to relieve pressure from the premature head and stabilize it. For this purpose, the back of the head is lifted with an ergonomically shaped ring in such a way that it no longer rests on the surface and therefore, no pressure from the surface counteracts the rounded growth of the skull. We have now had this proven by an order from the Chair of Ergonomics at the Technical University of Munich, which examined the pressure load on the head of a newborn doll with realistic weight distribution when positioned with and without MedibinoNEO.
The result was that the pressure load in the ring recess of our storage ring was below the detection limit and the maximum pressures on the contact surfaces were more than halved by the MedibinoNeo.
For the complete test report, go to downloads or click here.



Product Information


Product Presentation


Pressure relief test report


Instructions for Use
